Friday, September 08, 2006

Commuter Choices Week

Commuter Choices Week in Tallahassee is Sept. 25-29

Sign. Up. Now.

C'mon. You get a free T-shirt. Register online.

Do it now.

Commuter Choices Week is the one week out of the year when you say to yourself, "Gee, I wonder what it would be like to not drive my freakin' car every day." and then you do it.

Don't be afraid. Drop your excuses. Decide to do it.

Here is my offer. Email me at and I will come to your house with a map one day during Commuter Choices Week. I will ride with you along a safe route from your home to your work. I will give you information in advance to help you plan and prepare.

You can do it. Seriously.

For downtown workers, there are two Free Food Opportunities that come with Commuter Choices Week.

Monday, September 25 at the Old Capitol is a Kick-Off Luncheon from 11:00 to 1:00.

Friday, September 29 at Kleman Plaza is a "Thank You" Luncheon from 11:30 to 1:30.

Ride your bike, walk, take the bus, carpool, vanpool, hitchhike--just break the habit of one-to-a-car motorized travel for one week out of the year. Even if you can only do it for a couple of days during the week, for your own sanity, give it a try.

Think about this: If everybody found another way to work one day out of the work week, traffic would be immediately reduced by almost twenty percent. 20%. One fifth.


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